We're all in this together!
One idea unites most people in prison: one day, to walk the street freely.
One idea unites us during this season of confinement: to emerge from this season healthy and in wellbeing.
We watch the prison residents come together in their unique ways to support each other towards their common - and non mutually exclusive - goal of becoming free citizens. We can do the same. in our society. And in our homes.
As Billy says in his “Rediscovering Hope Through Self-Forgiveness” talk from TEDxDonovanCorrectional 2017 (with 48K views!) : “Never look down on anyone unless you’re helping them up.”
Invitation: When you find yourself looking down at someone, have it be with the intention of raising them up.
This is part of a series. You see, on April 1st, I realized that I have a unique perspective into confinement thanks to my past 4.5 years engaging several times a week with the world's leading experts on confinement: prison residents. For the month of April, I will provide a daily lesson learned in prison that will hopefully help us to survive and even thrive while confined to our homes. Go forward and back to enjoy each daily lesson.