Building unlikely connections


One year ago tomorrow, California prisons shut down and, almost overnight, we radically shifted our support to the residents of our prison system (as well as radically shifted our lives…).

Like I suspect has happened to many of you, the past year has put a stress test on what we stand for and believe.  I cannot stand for brilliance and the authentic, continuous exploration and expression of brilliance without ensuring that Brilliance Inside stays aligned with its own brilliance, even as the whole world shifts around us.

Since our brilliance is not what we do but who we are, these “stress tests” invite us to better identify and articulate who we are so that our brilliance can show up in any circumstance life presents.  As we explored more deeply what makes Brilliance Inside Brilliance Inside, one mind-shifting key surfaced:  instead of problem-fixing, we future-form.

Most of us believe that creating change consists of identifying problems and fixing them.  While this problem-fixing approach has its relevance, it also has significant limitations: (1) limiting the space of transformation to our current construct and (2) creating a ceiling for transformation.

Instead of seeing the problems to fix, instead of fighting against a system that’s broken, my intent is an immersive co-creative approach in which all of us come together across all parties, even – and actually especially – across those we consider “toxic” or “enemies.”  It’s because of our differences that we create a powerful transformation, and not despite them.  Long-lasting productive solutions come by bringing together what we have separated.  They serve ALL and therefore are designed (or “future-formed”) with everyone at the table.

By creating space for and honoring every person’s, entity’s and institution’s beliefs, values, needs and desires, we find common ground.  This is where the true answers lie. Instead of looking for what cannot work, we look for what does.  All is possible when we allow ourselves to open up to what is possible.

So, we don’t fix a system by pointing fingers to everything that’s wrong with it.  This transformation happens by pointing to what’s right with it.

Invitation:  Look for what’s right in you, your families, your organizations and ultimately our systems, structures and world?  How does this change your perspective and your actions?