"We're about loving people"
“Dude, that guy is actually quite cool.” This was said by Charlie, with his now usual twinkling eyes, in a closing circle this past month. We end each of our 3-hour sessions together with a closing circle, a time of self-reflection, to capture our greatest insights and/or celebrations.
In this closing circle, Charlie had expressed gratitude for the fact that our space is so uncompromisingly focused on the uncovering, igniting and expression of brilliance. In his reflection, he recognized how this constant commitment to brilliance invites him into a radically different way of being, which has changed the way he sees and interacts with others and his circumstances.
While once keeping others at a distance, Charlie says “I now see his light more than his faults.”
The other person didn’t change. Charlie did.
When Charlie joined our circle, like so many, he was hiding, which he did so behind sunglasses and through a veil of marijuana. In the loving, trust-filled space of our circle, Charlie chose to release the stories about whom the world had told him he was, to uncover the light he’d always carried within him and to start letting it shine through him. Today, Charlie is a source of wisdom and grounding for our team. He’s often the first to remind us of our values and our commitments. “We’re about loving people,” he repeats.
This wasn’t meant to be a post about Charlie’s journey (though I’m glad that I also share this with you). What moves me even more than Charlie’s choice and commitment to transform is the way he now radiates this way of being – this brilliance that was always within him – in his interactions and circumstances.
Charlie is now more deeply connected and aligned to his own brilliance. It creates this deep rootedness in his own self-assurance. Others’ thoughts, comments, stabs or criticisms no longer affect him or destabilize him like they once did.
Charlie now sees light in people before seeing their faults. He recognizes that they, just like him, are doing the best they can. This opens up the opportunity for collaboration and co-creation. It truly is amazing when our “enemies” become collaborators.
Charlie no longer believes he can be taken down by circumstances; he trusts he can rise above them. He embraces the growth opportunity in the challenges that cross his path (including being unwillingly and unknowingly transferred to another yard).
Charlie has an uncanny ability to stand for what he believes in – even when it means going against the grain – with more power than force, with more conviction than manipulation.
Very clear to all of us, Charlie is now more free, more peaceful, more joyful, more loving, more aligned, more anchored… As he continues to step more deeply into these, his authority, credibility and influence grow exponentially.
I humbly wish this for every single one of us. So, this month’s invitation to bring this into your life:
How will you allow Charlie to inspire you to also see that "dude, that guy is actually quite cool"?
What step will you take towards further uncovering, igniting and expressing your brilliance?