The other day, I read a YouTube comment in which a person shared a very personal story of trauma. There were well over 20 replies to this comment, filled with support and love. There was also one person who had replied “really?”. Instead of receiving and basking in the generous support of the 20+ positive replies, the commenter zeroed in on the one cryptic “really?” and attacked this person. She to date has not replied to or engaged with any of the positive replies.
How often do we do the exact same thing? We are surrounded by positive moments, actions and people. But the instant that one detail – big or small – triggers us, we lose sight of all of the surrounding goodness. We are hurt. We get worked up. And we create our own misery…. Ouch…. And yet, we all do it.
It’s so easy in these times to see the negative, especially considering the constant reminders the media and any trip to the grocery store provide. Can we remind ourselves of the positives?
In every moment, we have a choice on what to focus. As I learned from the residents inside (story in first video below), I choose to focus on hope and my surrounding goodness.
Donovan news
One source of joy is that four months – to the day! – after our last interaction inside Donovan, we sent our first program packet to our Donovan-based Brilliance Inside family. We have revamped our offering to engage with the residents through written correspondence. In this way, the team will finish the study guide to “Writing After Life” that they started in February. In addition to the joy of finally interacting on a regular basis, this season offers an opportunity to create something new. We’ll see what ideas the team comes back with…
Another hope-creating celebration: Despite the wild spread of covid in many California prisons, Donovan had its first case only two weeks ago and still has only two cases. Yes, only TWO cases of covid among 3800ish residents! It’s amazing since most Donovan residents have preexisting conditions. Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers of protection and health on this space that houses so many highly vulnerable people.
Enjoy the many stories from inside prison walls – from our own to North Carolina’s death row – which you’ll find below. Until next month, remember that – just like the residents – you are loved, and you matter.