You are more powerful than you imagine
Ever feel like you have nothing to contribute to our world? Especially during this confinement?
Even while confined, we have the power to impact our world in new, positive and sustainable ways.
You're skeptical? Check out Jason's story about seeing how he realized the impact he can create on the outside world from behind prison bars. You’ll also hear of prison residents donating to local organizations, as well as the eight TEDxDonovanCorrectional Talks by prison residents that have received over 77,000 views. That’s at least 77,000 people who have been impacted by a bunch of folks locked up most often for decades, even the rest of their lives.
Invitation: Let this inspire you to be the change you wish to see during this time of confinement.
This is part of a series. You see, on April 1st, I realized that I have a unique perspective into confinement thanks to my past 4.5 years engaging several times a week with the world's leading experts on confinement: prison residents. For the month of April, I will provide a daily lesson learned in prison that will hopefully help us to survive and even thrive while confined to our homes. Go forward and back to enjoy each daily lesson.